With a MA in Mental Health Counseling, and a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies, Dr. Danielle Zandbergen utilizes an individualized approach in her counseling and coaching with clients from many walks of life.
We offer a variety of wellness services to meet the unique needs of our clients, including individual therapy, relationship counseling, and life coaching. We also offer specialized services for counselor supervision and consultation.
`Okika in Hawai`i means “orchid.” Throughout my development, I grew fascinated by orchids. The various shapes, sizes, colors, scents, and blooms each orchid produces left me mesmerized and become totally enamored by each and every unique type. There is a common theory discussed in various therapeutic circles that describes the differences between orchids and dandelions, and compares these differences to children’s development where some may be more sensitive to environmental influences (orchids) and others may be minimally impacted by the environment in which they develop (dandelions). Boyce and Ellis (2005) first developed this theory and demonstrated the important impact of biological sensitivity to context and what developmentalists call “differential susceptibility,” meaning the ways each child may develop in vastly different ways even if they develop in the same type of environment. There is an incredible amount of evidence implying the ways children develop is not only incredibly important, but also that utilizing targeted interventions for each individual’s unique life circumstance is equally imperative.
`Okika recognizes that being an “orchid” is likely on a spectrum and can vary across one’s development, rather than seeing this sensitivity as “fixed.” Orchids are not only beautiful but are just as unique as we all are and require different needs from one another that can be addressed on an individual basis. For example, a living situation from the past may have been significantly impactful in one’s development, especially if being exposed to abuse, neglect or other forms of trauma, but maybe the individual is currently living in a safe, protected environment that is away from this previous harm. Just because the environment changed, doesn’t mean the impact of these past traumas disappear. It simply means we need to learn ways to better navigate these symptoms in our new environments and begin rebuilding a foundation of trust and safety from within.
At `Okika Counseling, we do not see emotional sensitivity as a weakness. We see this as an incredible strength that is often stigmatized and misunderstood. Suppressing the deep emotions we feel only leads us to ongoing turmoil, whereas learning how to sit with, process, accept, and honor our emotions leads to freedom and increased control over how we respond to whatever happens in our environments.